About Building Resilience in Greater Manchester
Building Resilience Together in Greater Manchester is working with local people to develop initiatives to mitigate climate challenges like flooding. Greater Manchester is a vibrant and diverse city-region with a population of 2.8 million. It faces a broad range of challenges, including environmental hazards such as heatwaves, flooding, and wildfires, which are increasing in frequency and severity due to climate change. The region has also experienced significant emergencies, including the 2017 Manchester Arena attack and the COVID-19 pandemic, both of which have highlighted the need for coordinated resilience efforts.
These challenges often hit the most vulnerable communities hardest, including older people, those with disabilities, and households already experiencing inequalities due to poverty or housing insecurity. Pressures from the cost-of-living crisis and overstretched essential services further compound these risks, leaving some communities less equipped to prepare for or recover from emergencies.
Building Resilience Together in Greater Manchester is working to address these challenges by bringing together local knowledge and collaboration to understand risks and their impacts. By focusing on inclusivity and community resilience, the region aims to ensure that all communities are supported in navigating current and future challenges.
Growing Community Resilience
We engaged with the BRT project because of its focus on practical, community-driven approaches to resilience. In Greater Manchester, we understand how climate change and emergencies can significantly affect vulnerable groups, so we were keen to be part of a project that places these challenges at the centre of its work.
The emphasis on collaboration and co-production really appealed to us. Bringing together statutory services, community organisations, and those directly affected by emergencies ensures that solutions are accessible and meaningful. This aligns closely with our commitment to tackling inequalities and working with communities to strengthen resilience.
The Building Resilience Together (BRT) project also offers a chance to share what we’ve learned while learning from others across the country. It’s a valuable opportunity to contribute to an approach that’s both inclusive and practical, helping to build long-term resilience for everyone.
Through the BRT project, we’ve delivered a series of winter and summer preparedness sessions for VCFSE organisations across Greater Manchester. These sessions have focused on raising awareness of climate-related risks, such as extreme heat and severe cold, and supporting organisations to develop practical steps for preparedness.
By engaging with a wide range of VCFSE groups, we’ve been able to share important information about risks and help build their confidence in planning for and responding to emergencies. The sessions also created opportunities for organisations to share their own experiences, fostering a sense of collaboration and mutual learning.
One key takeaway from the project is the importance of making resilience planning accessible and relevant to communities. We’ve learned that tailoring information to different groups and focusing on simple, actionable steps can make a big difference in how prepared they feel.

Sustainable City Resilience
The future of this work is focused on building momentum and embedding resilience across Greater Manchester’s VCFSE sector. We plan to use the resources developed through the BRT project to deliver regular preparedness sessions for VCFSE organisations, ensuring that awareness of climate-related risks and emergency planning remains a priority.
We’re also looking to develop a train-the-trainer model, enabling organisations to pass on this knowledge within their own networks and communities. This approach will help to broaden the reach of the work, ensuring more groups are equipped to build resilience locally.
In addition, we’ll continue working closely with our Local Infrastructure Organisations (LIOs) to explore the principles of the project and the potential for community resilience hubs. These hubs could provide vital support in bringing communities together to strengthen their ability to face future challenges.
This is a long-term commitment, and we’re determined to make resilience an integral part of how our communities and organisations prepare for and respond to challenges with Building Resilience Together in Greater Manchester.
If you have any questions about this project or want further information, please contact Sulafa.Abushal@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk.
The Building Resilience Together website is managed by Groundwork South.
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