About Us
Groundwork South of England is working with communities to change places and lives across Devon & Cornwall, Hampshire & Dorset, Surrey, Sussex & Kent, West of England and Thames Valley. We have been at the forefront of social and environmental regeneration in London for over 30 years, and today we have a simple mission: to create better places, improve people’s prospects, and promote greener living and working.
Our vision is of a country where all communities are vibrant, healthy and safe. Where people feel empowered to come together and overcome the challenges they face, wherever they live and whatever their circumstances or background.
However we know that’s not the reality for many. The UK continues to face many serious and complex challenges; an increasing population, rising economic inequality, political uncertainty and climate change. When these challenges are combined with reductions in public funding and cuts to services we know it’s usually those who are most disadvantaged that are affected the most. At Groundwork our projects are designed to support these individuals and communities, to help them transform their lives and the places they live.

Communities Prepared
Communities Prepared is a national community resilience programme that equips Community Emergency Volunteers (CEV) and Flood Warden groups with the knowledge and confidence to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a range of emergencies, from flooding and severe weather incidents to pandemics.
Led by Groundwork South, we work in partnership with a range of other organisations at the national and local level, including the Environment Agency, local authorities and VCS organisations.
The Building Resilience Together website is managed by Groundwork South.
Privacy Information
Copyright © 2024 Groundwork South
All Rights Reserved.
Registered charity in England and Wales. no. 293705
Company Reg no. 01982077